Profile: Aida Makiko



MgA. Makiko Aida


Makiko graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. She is a laureate of numerous national and international competitions (Bedřich Smetana International Piano Competition 2004 in Plzeň (2nd prize), Czech-Japanese Piano Competition 1996 in Prague (2nd prize), Fryderyk Chopin International Piano Competition 1995 in Mariánské Lázně (2nd prize), Virtuosi per musica di pianoforte 1990 in Ústí nad Labem (3rd prize), Ryukyu Shinpo Competition 1887 in Okinava, Japan (2nd prize). She is an excellent teacher with more than 15 years of teaching experience. She also actively performs in the Czech Republic and across the whole of Europe. She joined our school in 2008.

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